Lenvica HRMS has a lot of employee data, and you can also store custom data against employees. The data allows you to generate different lists of employees according to user defined criteria. The Send Email feature allows you to send emails to employees who meet certain criteria. This help document describes how you can Send Emails to employees who were Absent for one or more days in the last month.

Step 1: Create an employee list with employees Absent for one or more days in the last month

Let’s do this with Report Builder.

Report Builder
Sort order
Filter date
Add date filter
Add date filter
Filter next
Report details
Employee list

Step 2: Send emails to employees in the list just created

Send email
Select report
Employees list
Open file
email content
Preparing emails

The emails are prepared! Click ‘Finish’ to send.

Prepared emails

To check if the emails are sent, refer the ‘Email Outbox’.

email outbox
Emails sent

Report Builder allows you to create multiple lists of employees according to user-defined criteria. And this, together with the ‘Send Email’ option allows you to send emails to employees with user-defined criteria!